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In Summary

Teaching is a complex profession and is described as being among the most stressful jobs there is.  However, it is possible, with social and emotional intelligence, that stress can be reduced and you can start to enjoy your profession.  Being aware of one of the physiological sources of stress, the amygdala , and learning how to control it; will help reduce periods of stress.  Furthermore, becoming a master of social and emotional intelligence is another important part of effective Teacher development.  Controlling your emotions before they control you is certain to have a positive impact on your Teaching.


Have you considered how you are perceived in the classroom and how your voice and body language is at the core of effective leadership?  Remember that your students are social beings and need a quality leader for educational and personal growth.  If things don't appear to be going right in your classroom, perhaps you need to look inside for answers and try something different.  Things are not going to just happen; you need to collaborate with your body, your voice and your mind in order to make a real difference.  


We're always told that knowledge is power; why not become more informed about the following disciplines and ideas; and start to develop a new way of thinking:

  • Social and emotional intelligence 

  • Positive Psychology

  • Voice and body language

  • Leadership skills

  • Mindfulness

  • Exercise science

  • Brain foods

  • Adolescent development

  • Affirmation Theory

  • The Law of Attraction


Of course the ideas shared with you in this resource will not suit everyone and it needs to be noted that Teachers are and should be encouraged to be individuals.  However, human behaviour and responses have been studied for many years and it has been determined that great leaders do share similar qualities; thus being that a great leader, among other qualities, will be equipped with social and emotional intelligence.     


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